Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Super Macro

This blog post is probably a query..

My tasks on the computer very often involve repetitions of commands. Even though the same commands (steps) reveal new information everyday.

Example 1.

Internet -

  1. check 2 different mailboxes 
  2. two different news sites and 
  3. three blogs depending on the RSS feeds I have received

Can this happen automatically- at one mouse click?

Example 2.

Non-internet based job -

  1. Start a custom designed commercial tool to do certain tasks
  2. This job requires repeating the same steps to get different simulation results obviously with small variations in input data.
  3. Then I copy and paste various texts from the tool to an excel sheet.
  4. And do further simple math in excel. 
  5. Finally, results are plot

How about a super macro creating software which records the steps across different tools on the computer and creates an executable script based on this recording. 
Enhanced feature - to add variables to this script so it may in the end have the capacity to produce an analysis.
Super Macro - to make for/ if-else loops within macros.

It would be brilliant to see an easy GUI based software that does this. With increasing computation capacity would'nt this be handy for the less code-able.

Friday, 3 December 2010


Living Science Fiction.

Transhumanism is a movement or the philosophy that we can and should develop to higher levels, both physically, mentally and socialy using rational methods.

A TED talk by a transhumanist about some elements of transhumanism.
Transhumanism is a philosophy that humanity can, and should, strive to higher levels, both physically, mentally and socially. It encourages research into such areas as life extension, cryonics, nanotechnology, physical and mental enhancements, uploading human consciousness into computers and megascale engineering.

Also see - Transhuman resources by Anders Sandberg.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Google Publishes an online guide book

Google has just published an ebook to help people get started with the web -

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Bloom Box

One of the most heavily funded projects in the Silicon Valley inspite of the recession- the bloom box clean energy solution is now already installed in Google and e-bay campuses. It is the size of a cardboard box and supplies 1KW of SILENT power.

Comprising layers of ceramics and nanocomposites(magic sauce). Dr. Sridhar was a member of faculty here at University of Arizona, Tucson.